Online Application for 2024 Fall Semester報名系統

Important Info.
International Student Admission for 2024 Fall Semester opens from March 27th 9:00AM to May 15th at noon 12:00PM, 2024.
報名如有任何問題 請洽國際處 蕭小姐
If you have any questions, Please contact Ms. Wendy, Office of International Affairs.
TEL: +886-5-6315192
Email: oia@nfu.edu.tw

除宣傳、推廣及協助學生辦理來臺必要程序外,本校並未委外辦理招生事務。 Except for the dissemination, promotion and assist international students in necessary procedures to Taiwan, National Formosa University has not outsourced the admission process with agencies.

Fall Semester 2024 Application for International Students starts from Wednesday, March 27th 9:00AM to Wednesday, May 15th at noon 12:00PM, 2024

■DEPOSITION and Deposition related to application documents Link